Friday, November 13, 2009

A few of my favorite things...

Here are some scenes from our everyday life in Cambridge that I love.

On my morning runs I go by the river Cam, pass King's College (with the cows) and enjoy the fall leaves.

Kate, playing in the leaves with Miss Jessica:

Our rainy British day treat:  Hot chocolate, Turkish Delight & shortbread - yum!

Every morning this is how Mike leaves the house - everybody loves Daddy!

Making pumpkin bread with real pumpkins:

Our days end with all the kids and Mike sitting around the computer, watching He-man and She-ra... not kidding.  I'm just not sure who enjoys it more, Mike or the kids.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Halloween: Pippi, Sir John & the Princess

Carving our Pumpkin - we went for a royal theme to celebrate Great Britain. 

Pippi Longstocking, Sir John & Princess Kate:

Most children don't go trick or treating (or really celebrate Halloween) in Cambridge, so we had a party with some of our American friends.  All the kids still got their fill of candy!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Emma's 9th Birthday

Emma just celebrated her 9th birthday.  It is probably one of the few birthdays she'll actually get to celebrate anywhere near her birthplace.  On Thursday, we took Emma and John for their first train ride up to London.

For all you Harry Potter fans - this is as close as you can get to 9 3/4 at King's Cross.  We must just be muggles because there was no train to Hogwarts waiting for us.

We took Emma and John to the Tower of London.

I took Emma to get some Krispy Kreme doughnuts - a sweet taste of NC!

And then we went to see the play "Wicked", her birthday present.  She and I both loved it!

On Friday, we celebrated with the neighborhood friends.

While we were in London, Kate had much fun with Miss Jessica.  She stole her scarf, rode bikes, went to the Library and got a pinkalicious cupcake.