Friday, October 16, 2009

Angela's visit

On Saturday, our good friend Angela came to visit.  I knew she was here when I heard Kate squeal with delight, "Miss Angela!!".  We had a great time getting to share Cambridge with her.  We rode bikes, visited Pubs, went to Evensong at King's College, picked apples at the Orchard and spent time catching up on life in Charlotte and Uptown church.  We spent her last day in London, shopping in markets and stores all over the city.

The bookstore from the movie Notting Hill - we just happened upon it while shopping there:


  1. Have they got the new John Grisham thriller?

  2. Well, I didn't look, but it is a travel bookstore. Doubtful?

    Are you taking a break from your usual theological works?

  3. I'll send you my pics, so you'll have more to remember my trip by. Hilarious that the only picture we took in London was at a shop. That's my kind of sightseeing! :)

    Miss you all!!
