Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lego Land

John's birthday is on Thursday and he wanted a family party.  We found out that Lego Land Windsor is only about two hours away, so we decided to take him there for a special celebration.  He loved it - Legos are his favorite toy and they were everywhere.  

Here is miniature land.  Everything was made of legos - the London Eye, St. Paul's Cathedral, Big Ben.  It was pretty amazing.

Our favorite in Miniature Land was the Lego replication of Edinburgh - it was spot on (to use a good British phrase).

It rained all day, despite a clear forecast.  However, the Aero hot chocolate kept us warm!

Emma just finished reading the Harry Potter series, so she was very excited to find both Harry and Hagrid at LegoLand.

Star Wars + Legos = Bliss for John John!

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